Scientific Production



Manrique-Millones, D. (2023). XI Congreso Iberoamericano de Evaluación Psicológica> Modelos, Metodologías y Aplicaciones. Universidade de Algarve. May 4-5. Faro-Portugal


Manrique-Millones, D. (2022). Conversatorio: Evidencias empíricas sobre Burnout Parental, resultados aplicados en población peruana. Universidad Católica de San Pablo. November 11, 2022, Peru-Arequipa.  

Manrique-Millones, D. (2022). The 5Cs of Positive Youth Development and Depressive symptoms during COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study with university students from Peru and Spain.
IDentities: Cultural Diversity and Integration. October 21st, 2022, Sibiu, Romania. 

Manrique-Millones, D. (2022). Predictors of anxiety and resilience during pandemic: A positive youth development perspective. he 1st Conference on Positive Youth Development in a Cross-national Perspective "Bridging Research & Practice Cross-Nationally: A PYD Approach to Social Justice". April 22-23, 2022 Bergen, Norway.


Manrique-Millones, D. (2021). 14 International Congress of Clinical Psychology. Virtual Conference- Spain, 10-13 November 2021.

Manrique-Millones, D. (2021). IV Congreso Internacional de Psicología Social e Investigación Social "Desafíos y Perspectivas desde las Nuevas Realidades. Virtual Conference-Colombia, 28-29 October 2021.

Manrique-Millones, D. (2021). 2nd International Conference on Parental Burnout. Virtual conference-Belgium, 6-7 May 2021.

Manrique-Millones, D. (2021). Agotamiento Parental en Época de Pandemia: Un estudio en una muestra Peruana. 1º Encontro Internacional de Saúde Mental e Reações Psicológicas e Neurológicas à Covid-19. São Paulo, Brasil 30-21 de Marzo.


Manrique-Millones, D. (2020). PYD virtual workshop of Bergen University. Norway, Bergen 10-11 November 2020.

Manrique-Millones, D. (2020). VII International Seminar of Psychology. Perú, Arequipa 27 November 2020.

Manrique-Millones, D. (2020). 6th International Seminar: Psychological Aspects of Covid-19 Perú and Latinamerica. Perú, Lima 27 August 2020.


Manrique-Millones, D., et al. (2019). Validation of the Spanish version of the PBA across eight Spanish-speaking countries. Louvain La Neuve, Belgium 6-7 December 2019.

Manrique-Millones, D., y Millones-Rivalles, R. (2019). Parental Involvement, Perceived Stress, Negative Affect and Cognitive Vulnerability in Peruvian Children. Moscow. Rusia, 2-5 July 2019.


Manrique-Millones, D., y Millones Rivalles, R. (2018). Propiedades psicométricas de una Escala de Respuesta al Estrés Familiar en estudiantes Peruanos. Coimbra, Portugal. 6-8 September 2018.


Manrique-Millones, D. (2017). Stress, Procrastination and the role of Social Support in Peruvian University Students. International Conference on Education and Educational Psychology. Porto-Portugal. 11-14 October 2017.


Manrique-Millones, D. (2015). Crianza, bienestar psicológico y ESE en niños y sus familias. 1°Jornada Nacional de Investigación Pediátrica. Lima, Perú, 1-2 October 2015.

Manrique-Millones, D., y Alegre, A. (2015) Psicomitos En Estudiantes Universitarios De Lima. Congreso. [Misconceptions in Psychology: A Study in University Students in Lima] Congreso Interamericano de Psicología. Lima, Perú, 12-16 July 2015.

Alegre, A., y Manrique Millones, D. (2015). Psicomitos En Educación: Un Análisis De Su Incidencia En Docentes De Lima Metropolitana. [Misconceptions in Education: An analysis of its impact on teachers in Metropolitan Lima] Congreso Interamericano de Psicología. Lima, Perú, 12-16 July 2015.


Manrique Millones, D., Ghesquière, P., Van Leeuwen, K. (2011). [Relaciones entre crianza, SES, rendimiento y funcionamiento psicosocial en niños y sus familias: El caso Peruano]. Relationships between Parenting, SocioEconomic Status, Achievement and Psychosocial Functioning in Children and their families: The Peruvian case. European Congress of Psychology ECP. Istanbul, Turkey, 4 - 8 July 2011.

Manrique Millones, D., Ghesquière, P., Van Leeuwen, K. (2011). [Crianza, SES y funcionamiento psicosocial en niños Peruanos]. Parenting, socioeconomic status and psychosocial functioning in Peruvian children. Society for Research in Child Development SRCD Biennial Meeting. Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 31 March - 2 April.

Manrique Millones, D., Ghesquière, P., Van Leeuwen, K. (2011). Crianza, logro académico y el rol de Involucramiento educativo parental]. General Parenting, Academic Achievement and the role of Parental Educational Involvement. International Conference: European Research Network About Parents in Education (ERNAPE). Milano, Italy, 29 June - 1 July 2011.


Manrique Millones, D., Ghesquière, P., Van Leeuwen, K. (2010). [Evaluación de la Escala Parental en un Contexto Peruano]. Evaluation of a Parental Behavior Scale in a Peruvian Context. International Conference on Education & Educational Psychology, ICEEPSY: Abstracts. International Conference on Education and Educational Psychology. Kyrenia, Cyprus, 2-5 December 2010, 33.

Manrique Millones, D., Van Leeuwen, K., Ghesquière, P. (2010). [Asociaciones entre factores psicosociales y problemas de aprendizaje: El caso Peruano]. Associations Between Psychosocial Factors and Learning Disabilities: The Peruvian Case. Annual World Congress on Learning Disabilities. New Jersey, USA, 21-23 October 2010.

Manrique Millones, D., Van Leeuwen, K., Ghesquière, P. (2010). [Rendimiento académico de estudiantes Peruanos: El caso del 6to grado en escuelas de Lima]. Academic Performance of Peruvian Elementary School Children: The case of Schools in Lima at the 6th Grade. International Conference on Education & Educational Psychology, ICEEPSY: Abstracts. International Conference on Education and Educational Psychology. Kyrenia, Cyprus, 2-5 December 2010 

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